VANGUARD is our proprietary, overarching data management, analysis, and transport architecture found across our product offerings. VANGUARD strengthens AOR Situational Awareness and immediate force protection by fusing tactical & technical kitted solutions and products for various layers of defense. It maximizes your situational awareness, protects your assets, and allows for the most effective tactical response. The VANGUARD technology backbone is comprised of a robust, node-based system architecture with peer-to-peer network connectivity and an integrated sensor array which transfers critical tactical intelligence to the Ground Commander.

The Vanguard Solution accomplishes this by:

• Allowing individual team members to actively or passively detect, assess, communicate and interdict threats from anywhere in the mesh coverage via node-to-node communication

• Enhancing small teams’ ability to command, control and communicate with response forces on the ground, manned assets, or remotely operated weapons with real time data

• Creating additional layers of security (defense in depth) using a various array of plug and play sensors

• Net-centric, node-based, operates on the edge

• Manages hundreds of live video feeds

• Enhances every data stream via powerful detection and assessment analytics and artificial intelligence (AI)

• Provides pre and post alarm video capture

• Flexible network technology deploys as wireless, hardwired, or in combination

• Installs in single and redundant system configurations

• Supports primary, secondary, and multiple monitoring locations

• Modular and scalable: seamlessly expands for larger area coverage

• Cursor-on-target compliant (input/export feeds)

• CivTak/ATAK integration/compliance summer 2020 (licensed 29 April 2020)

• Sensor agnostic: rapidly integrate into new sensor technology and report/hand-off/receive data with legacy systems